Tel: 015394 36354 Email:

Hawkshead Primary School, Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT

Opening hours 8:50a.m - 3:15p.m. Breakfast and after school club available.

Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary School, Cumbria
Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary School, Cumbria

Hawkshead Primary School

Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT

Opening hours 8:50am - 3:15pm - Breakfast and after school club available.

Physical Education


Here at Hawkshead primary school we believe that PE and physical activity is a key to a child’s emotional and physical wellbeing. PE and physical activity are given dedicated curriculum time and is seen as a priority in our school week. Our aim is for all pupils to be regularly physically active, to enjoy physical activity and to benefit from the emotional enhancement, personal and social opportunities, skill development and the health benefits of physical activity. The location of our school facilitates a healthy and active lifestyle and we provide ample opportunities to enjoy a range of PE activities, active play times, active outdoor experiences and extracurricular activities. A child’s physical skills competency and confidence in their own ability to participate in competitive sport are also important for our pupils.
We provide a broad PE curriculum where pupils experience enjoyable, physically challenging lessons and can master a range of PE skills alongside acquiring tactical understanding, and developing teamwork and leadership skills. A success for us is to see a pupil move on from our school with a positive experience of PE and physical activity, along with a range of skills which they can confidently use in a variety of activities.


PE is prioritised on the school timetable as 2 times 1-hour lessons per week. In addition, a physically active lifestyle is embedded in our school ethos through our weekly wellbeing walk, active play times, whole school days in the outdoors, our daily running sessions and our weekly forest school sessions. Our philosophy for PE lessons is that pupils have fun, engage fully and are confident in their own ability. Our pupils experience a broad curriculum with high expectations, and which includes a range of sports and physical activities, so that there is something for everyone. Skill development, teamwork, leadership social skills and communication are integral to all our lessons. The PE curriculum is extended through a range of extra-curricular activities, pathways into community sport and a varied programme of inter school competition at varying levels.


The main impact that we see is that our pupils are active for a good part of everyday. They embrace opportunities to be physically active and love being outdoors. Staff feel that our pupils’ wellbeing, social skills and concentration levels develop due to the importance we place on regular physical activity. This was evident on our
return to school after the Covid lockdown, where the development of healthy minds and bodies was a focus. It was evident that after our pupils returned to school, they settled quickly, were very happy and regained their pre-covid fitness levels. Observation of PE lessons throughout a unit demonstrate development in many pupils’ skill competency, tactical and technical understanding and confidence in their own abilities. Our assessment tracking system ensures its staff monitor children’s progress against key stage attainment statements which compare and show progress over time. The majority of pupils meet the key stage expectations and several pupils in each class exceed them.


Our wonderful outdoor environment, both within our school grounds and within the locality offers many enrichment activities for our pupils; mountain walks, water sports, bush craft, forest school and camping are just a selection of the physical activities which help our pupils to enjoy being active. Our extra-curricular activities change half termly and have included; dance, gymnastics, badminton, running, walking, cricket and football clubs, allowing pupils to practise their PE skills, enjoy sport and socialise with pupils from across the school.

PE Progression Map

PE Policy

PE Long Term Plan

Events in April 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
02/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club with Brad


Holiday Club with Brad

Holiday Club with Brad

03/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club - Campfire Cooking and Forest School

Holiday Club - Campfire Cooking and Forest School

04/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club Theatre Workshop

Holiday Club Theatre Workshop

05/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club Walk, Talk and Picnic

Holiday Club Walk, Talk and Picnic

08/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club with Brad


Holiday Club with Brad

Holiday Club with Brad

09/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club - Campfire Cooking and Forest School

Holiday Club - Campfire Cooking and Forest School

10/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club - Woodland Craft and Forest School

Holiday Club - Woodland Craft and Forest School

11/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club with Brad


Holiday Club with Brad

Holiday Club with Brad

12/04/2024(1 event)

Holiday Club


Holiday Club - Walk, Talk and Picnic

Holiday Club - Walk, Talk and Picnic

16/04/2024(1 event)

Start of Summer Term


Start of Summer Term

22/04/2024(1 event)

April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons


April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons

April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons

29/04/2024(1 event)

April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons


April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons

April Reception - Y4 Swimming Lessons

01/05/2024(2 events)

Class 2 - York Residential

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

Class 2 - York Residential

York Residential Y3 and Y4

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

York Residential Y3 and Y4

York Residential Y3 and Y4

02/05/2024(2 events)

Class 2 - York Residential

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

Class 2 - York Residential

York Residential Y3 and Y4

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

York Residential Y3 and Y4

York Residential Y3 and Y4

03/05/2024(2 events)

Class 2 - York Residential

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

Class 2 - York Residential

York Residential Y3 and Y4

01/05/2024 03/05/2024

York Residential Y3 and Y4

York Residential Y3 and Y4


Contact details

Tel: 015394 36354


Hawkshead Primary School, Main St,

Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT

Find us on Facebook


Tel: 015394 36354 | Email: or

Hawkshead Primary School, Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT