Tel: 015394 36354 Email:
Hawkshead Primary School, Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT
Opening hours 8:50a.m - 3:15p.m. Breakfast and after school club available.
Tel: 015394 36354 Email:
Hawkshead Primary School, Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT
Opening hours 8:50a.m - 3:15p.m. Breakfast and after school club available.
Hawkshead Primary School
Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT
Opening hours 8:50am - 3:15pm - Breakfast and after school club available.
Our curriculum aims to provide the highest quality provision utilising the skills of the staff to inspire our children. We are a community of learners who learn from each other and support and praise the achievement of others.
Hawkshead Forest Nursery has opened its doors! Click here to view the brand new website and find out more…
Welcome to Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary School. It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as Head Teacher of such a caring, inspirational and rewarding school. Our fabulous school is in a glorious setting within the Lake District National Park. We are lucky to have our own special and unique outdoor area, better known as Fletchers Field. This space was developed by the school community over 20 years ago and it continues to evolve to this day. We strive to make the most of our location; it defines our unique curriculum and promotes positive attitudes and responsibilities. Our ambition here at Hawkshead is to provide the best possible primary education within our stimulating and creative setting.
At Hawkshead Primary School we are a team; we all work together and support one another to be the best we can be. We are confident that you will find our behavior standards high; find us friendly, caring and kind. Our small class sizes allow us to challenge each child and strive for outstanding progress.
We want our children to develop a passion for learning and to be inspired by our high quality teaching and learning experiences. We have high expectations for all. Our school is an exciting place to be; dreams are born here, and memories are made.
As a school we are delighted to be recognised by Early Excellence as a Partner School for 2023/24, to host events and share good practice in our area. Early Excellence are a highly regarded organisation that promote inspirational learning, offering School Improvement & Bespoke Consultancy as well as educational resource solutions focused on early primary EYFS & KS1.
To find out more; browse the website or contact us to arrange a visit, we would be proud to show you around.
Mrs Carol Sharp.
Welcome to Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary School. It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as Head Teacher of such a caring, inspirational and rewarding school. Our fabulous school is in a glorious setting within the Lake District National Park. We are lucky to have our own special and unique outdoor area, better known as Fletchers Field. This space was developed by the school community over 20 years ago and it continues to evolve to this day. We strive to make the most of our location; it defines our unique curriculum and promotes positive attitudes and responsibilities. Our ambition here at Hawkshead is to provide the best possible primary education within our stimulating and creative setting.
At Hawkshead Primary School we are a team; we all work together and support one another to be the best we can be. We are confident that you will find our behavior standards high; find us friendly, caring and kind. Our small class sizes allow us to challenge each child and strive for outstanding progress.
We want our children to develop a passion for learning and to be inspired by our high quality teaching and learning experiences. We have high expectations for all. Our school is an exciting place to be; dreams are born here, and memories are made.
As a school we are delighted to be recognised by Early Excellence as a Partner School for 2023/24, to host events and share good practice in our area. Early Excellence are a highly regarded organisation that promote inspirational learning, offering School Improvement & Bespoke Consultancy as well as educational resource solutions focused on early primary EYFS & KS1.
To find out more; browse the website or contact us to arrange a visit, we would be proud to show you around.
Mrs Carol Sharp.
Class Structure
In class 1 we have fun exploring, investigating and learning new skills through a variety of play activities. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities for first hand experiences which enthuse, excite and inspire all children in all areas of learning. Learning is planned around a range of topics, quality stories and children’s own… Continue Reading
In our class we enjoy exploring and discovering new learning. We use our outdoor environment, take trips and welcome visitors to make our learning as interesting and engaging as possible. We work together in pairs, groups and across the school to support each other in our learning experiences. We have lots of friends from… Continue Reading
In our class we enjoy getting stuck in to both group and independent challenges, debating right from wrong not only in a classroom context, but in the world around us. We have a love of outdoor learning, using cross curricular links to breathe life into our curriculum, for example we have planted seeds for our veggie Continue Reading
Meet our Staff
School Cook
Teaching Assistant and School Administrator
Teaching Assistant
Head Teacher
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
Tel: 015394 36354 | Email: or
Hawkshead Primary School, Main St, Hawkshead, Cumbria LA22 0NT
Website designed by Furness Media